Monday, October 17, 2011

Oh, Me of Little Faith....

I was reminded today of how faithful, consistent and generous God is. While I was working from home, I was listening to a Christian radio station. The song "Come Home" by Luminate was playing. Part of the lyrics are " can't outrun grace. No, mercy doesn't care what you've done..."

While the song was playing, I began thinking about my struggle with having hope concurrently with faith. In a previous post, I talked about my struggle with disappointment over the last year. Struggling with having faith and hope together. I have faith, but hope sometimes eludes me when something potentially exciting comes up--because I don't want to be disappointed.

I can't out give God. He's more generous than I can ever be towards Him. And yet, when I'm struggling with my faith and having a hard time with having hope, He still keeps giving. He still keeps working even when I don't see the evidence of it.

And even when I sin or doubt God's power to provide and answer my requests in His timing, He cares about me.... and He keeps on forgiving me.

Every time.

And so I was reminded again of how good God is. Steve's regained partial control of the right side of his face as of yesterday. Today, there seems to be even more ability to move his muscles. We can guess what kind of treatment he's been following that's allowing the muscle movement, but in all reality, God's the one in control. And so we give thanks and praise to God for even this small blessing--which to Steve (and me) is huge!

When Steve showed me his face muscle moving, we were both elated! I'd never seen him so joyous! And I got the best hug ever from him! It's amazing how we take the little things God gives us for granted. I know I take for granted that I can smile with my whole mouth, because that hasn't been taken away from me.

And so we're learning to be more thankful for the little things... and praise God for the blessings He's given us in life. Not just the physical blessings.... but even more so the spiritual blessings.

Like not being able to out run God's grace.

And mercy not caring what I've done.

And God seeing me just as if I've never sinned.

And Jesus always being an advocate for me to the Father.

And that because of Jesus, I can have direct access to God and have confidence to approach His throne.

And my sins are forgiven.

So I get to be with God in heaven.

And that's worth telling others.

So, I may struggle with having faith at times. Not faith in God. Not faith that He even exists. But it's really about letting go of control of things that I can't do much or anything about. God has the power to do all things.... and I need to trust Him that He will. Because there have been so many answered prayers in the past and God has always provided.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

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