Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Cause Worth Dying For

Why would anyone want to follow Jesus?

He was homeless, penniless, without "family" (they thought He was crazy--Mark 3:21). He had nothing to His name. Nothing to call His own. He touched people with transferable diseases. He ate with the worst of the worst of peoples. He spoke against the leaders of His day. People were tring to kill Him. Why in the world would anyone want to follow Him?!

Logic says that we wouldn't. Self-preservation dictates that we shouldn't follow Jesus. But the God-side of logic says we must.

Twelve men had the idea that Jesus was going to be a political king to "set things right" in the Roman world for the Jews. They had it all wrong, and they didn't even know it--not until later anyways, much later. And even when Jesus' followers understood His focus (and realized they were wrong) they still followed Him. They followed Him until they died for the Faith, for Jesus.

What was so important about this Jesus that they chose to live and die for what He taught and for what they believed? It all seemed illogical and dare I say, even crazy!

Jesus had nothing to offer by way of material possessions or a "better world", so to speak. He offered so much more--a relationship with His Father. Your Father. With our God. And that offer to you and me meant His death by the most cruel execution method at the known time. We see the cross as a message of hope--and it is. And so did Jesus. But anyone in Jesus' time saw the cross as a means of shame, humiliation and death. And they were right, too. That's what it was meant to be. But Jesus saw a cause worth dying for, that is, for you. And me. And for those we love. And for those we don't even know.

The message of the cross is a message of hope for everyone. But it's a message of hope first to you and me.

We are the cause worth dying for. Are we worth it? God thought so. Am I unlovable? I think so, but only at times and not all the time. But God doesn't see us that way. He sees us as completely loveable--all the time. Worthy to be saved. Worthy to be in a relationship with Him--no matter what we've done. No matter what you've done. No matter how ugly the things we've done--Jesus died and was raised back to life to save us. We are the cause worth dying for.

But save us from what? What hope does this event and message offer to us?

Jesus became sin to appease God's wrath. Sin had to be "taken care of". The consequence of sin is being eternally separated from God (Isaiah 59:1-2). Jesus' death and resurrection give us hope because when we're in Christ, God now sees us just as if I've never sin (aka justification) [Romans 5:16-18]. We now have the hope of being "right" with God (aka righteous) and brought back into relationship with God (aka reconciliation) [2 Cor 5:19]. We have grace (a generous undeserving gift) from God and we have received mercy (not getting the punishment I deserve for my sins). Oh, sin still has consequences that God may allow us to suffer. But one of the consequences we don't have to suffer is God's wrath. If we've been baptized into Christ's possession, we've been forgiven of our sins (Acts 2:38). If we do what the first hearers of the first preached gospel sermon did, then we have received forgiveness of sins and received the gift of the Holy Spirit. Do what they did, get what they got. I want that.

If we're still trying to live according to the Bible's direction and we mess up (i.e. sin), Jesus is our advocate before God still cleansing us from our sins. (1 John 1:7) I want that, too.

Who cares? Well, we should. Sin, any sin, no matter how "bad", separates us from God. And God wants us back. He wants you back. And Jesus is the way back to God. Jesus, who had no sin, became sin (2 Cor 5:21) so that we don't have to suffer God's wrath (Romans 5:9). So that we don't have to be separated from God. So that we can have eternal life. This is a cause worth dying for. This should be a message of hope worth being excited for!

And this is our cause worth living for.

How does the message of the cross and Jesus' resurrection impact your life? Does it?

Do you live like this is a cause worth dying and living for? Contradictory, I know. Hard to make sense. Yep. But what does that message of hope look like in your life?

Do you share Jesus and His message of hope with others? I don't as often as I know I should. I let other things get in the way.

So, how do we change that? How do we allow Jesus' message of hope through His death, burial and resurrection affect our lives? How does it change me?

First, I have to know what the message of hope is. Once I get that, what do I do with that information? Understand that the gospel message is for you, but it's not all about you. It's ultimately about God, bring glory to Him. Serving Him. Honoring Him. The gospel message of hope is about bringing you up out of sin's darkness and into God's light. It's about a relationship with God through Jesus--not just about obeying the "rules". God was always and is always about the relationship with you. It's a cause worth dying for. He came to earth as one of us--as a human with the purpose of dying for you. For me. Oh, there's more to it than that. But it's where we start with understanding this message of hope.

I think next I have to believe it. I mean BELIEVE it. You know, actually accept it as truth. There are so many lies that get in the way of us fully believing and accepting this message of hope as real and impacting to my life. I have filters that I need to remove. I have my life to re-prioritize.
Then I need to allow this message to change me. Oh boy. Here comes the hard part. Pride gets in the way of this one. I like the comfort bubble of my life.

Step out of my comfort zone.
Speak out and share this hope with others.
Live it out like I believe it's worth dying for.

Ugh. That's hard.


But Jesus did it. And look what He did for you. Were you worth it? You betcha. But don't take my word for it. Read it for yourself in the Bible.

It starts with a decision. A decision to DO something with this message. A choice to believe. A determination to accept it as truth.

Will you allow this message of hope to change you? Never mind me for now. I know where I need to let this message change me. And I'm working on it.

Will you live your life to serve Jesus as something worth dying for? Do you believe this message of hope can change you? Has it changed you?

Then share it with others! (1 Thess 4:13-18) And be excited about it!

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